Alnwick Library Ceiling
Chapel Street Conservation
The 1850's oak carved ceiling is painted and gilded. It had a visually disruptive accumulated layer of soot and dust accretions from the last few decades due to the frequent use of a number of open fireplaces in the room.
Treatment Aim
Cleaning and retouching of polychrome wooden and plaster gilded ceiling.
Dry cleaning
Initial dry cleaning was carried out using soft bristle brushes accompanied by a backpack vacuum cleaner to remove the large dust deposits. On the accessible painted surfaces this was followed by use of smoke sponges.
Wet cleaning
Wet cleaning was carried out with a solution of warm 5% Tri-ammonium Citrate in distilled water. This was applied by brush to the gilding and painted surfaces and swabbed off after 15 seconds.
Retouching was carried out where needed using Goldens® acrylic paints.